
Actualidad · Convocatoria

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The New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024 showcase sustainable, inclusive and beautiful projects all around Europe

The New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024

Publicado por Admoneuropa2020
miércoles, 01 de mayo de 2024 a las 16:30

New European Bauhaus Prizes 2024 laureates

The winners and runners-up of the ‘New European Bauhaus Champions' prize for accomplished projects are:

  • Map4Water: One thousand fountains city (Bosnia and Herzegovina) won the public vote conducted across all the categories. The project is mapping and enhancing public water fountains in Sarajevo, with broad public involvement including the local authority, citizens and tourists.
  • Făget Forest Park; Cluj's Green Lung (Romania), winner in the category “Reconnecting with nature”, for managing recreation in and conservation of a large forest-park.
  • Flytevi – Blue Urban Community Garden (Sweden), runner-up in the category “Reconnecting with nature”, for empowering communities with sustainable food and water solutions.
  • SET Community Gardens (The Netherlands), winner in the category “Regaining a sense of belonging”, for connecting generations from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds through an urban permaculture community garden and centre.
  • Concrete to Culture (Bulgaria), runner-up in the category “Regaining a sense of belonging”, for transforming an office complex in the outskirts of Sofia into an active community space.
  • Rooftop Garden (Spain), winner in the category “Prioritising the places and people that need it the most”, for promoting the social inclusion of people with disabilities through horticulture.
  • Yes We Camp (France), runner-up in the category “Prioritising the places and people that need it the most”, for empowering communities through space activation initiatives.
  • A Sustainable Campus Transformation (Luxembourg), winner in the category “Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking”, for renovating buildings using reclaimed materials to minimise environmental impact.
  • Re-Sourcing Commons (Austria), runner-up in the category “Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking”, for promoting sustainability by using reclaimed materials and ensuring community collaboration in a public park.

The winners and runners-up of the ‘New European Bauhaus Rising Stars' prize for promising concepts are:

  • Regenerative Agriculture Hub (Spain) won the public vote in the Rising Stars strand, for focusing on sustainable, eco-friendly farming practices that promote biodiversity.
  • Cultivating Companionship (Germany), winner in the category “Reconnecting with nature”, for proposing a research residency in a cornfield to promote life-centred design thinking for architects and farmers.
  • Hydroscape Lisbon (Portugal), runner-up in the category “Reconnecting with nature”, for exploring water's role in climate resilience and community space in the city.
  • Cooperative Ownership of Communities (Hungary), winner in the category “Regaining a sense of belonging”, for promoting affordable housing and inclusivity through circular renovation and sustainable practices.
  • Co-llection (Greece), runner-up in the category “Regaining a sense of belonging”, for reimagining rural narratives through art and community collaboration.
  • Community reBuilding (Ukraine), winner in the category “Prioritising the places and people that need it the most”, for empowering Ukraine's communities by creating or rejuvenating Community Building Centres.
  • Teufelsberg Transformation Lab (Germany), runner-up in the category “Prioritising the places and people that need it the most”, for pioneering collaborative policy innovation through Design Thinking.
  • Urban_MYCOskin (Portugal), winner in the category “Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking”, for transforming waste into eco-friendly valuable material.
  • The Station (Belgium), runner-up in the category “Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking”, for proposing an autonomous working station fuelled by renewable energy to transform seasonal harvests.

The winner and runner-up of the Special Recognition to Ukraine's Reconstruction and Recovery Effort' are:

  • Nad Dzherelom from the Lviv City Council, winner, recognised for restoring an abandoned natural area for social integration while preserving ecosystem and biodiversity.
  • Leo States, runner-up, for providing temporary accommodation for internally displaced people in Ukraine.

The 20 awarded projects were selected from 49 finalists that embody the principles of the New European Bauhaus. They will receive a monetary prize of up to €30,000 and a communications package to help them further develop their projects or replicate them around Europe.


The 2024 Prizes recognise the best NEB initiatives across four categories:

  • Reconnecting with nature;
  • Regaining a sense of belonging;
  • Prioritising the places and people that need it the most;
  • Shaping a circular industrial ecosystem and supporting life-cycle thinking.

Two parallel competition strands are established in each of the four categories: The ‘New European Bauhaus Champions' devoted to existing and completed projects with clear and positive results, and the ‘New European Bauhaus Rising Stars' devoted to concepts submitted by young talents aged 30 years old or younger.

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